What to Expect from this Course!

Create Your Own Activism Project in 4 easy modules!

This course will simplify making a meaningful impact as an activist even if you have no experience or if you're simply looking for tools to hone your activism skills!

  • Learn the 2 major types of activism

  • Find inspiration and level up your mindset!

  • Learn how to garner support from unexpected people and places!

  • Gain tools and resources to help you create a successful project from start to finish!

Feminist Freeway's Teaching Approach

Feminist Freeway was founded to help anyone who wants to get engaged in their community or make a difference in the world access to the knowledge and skills they will need. Throughout this course we break down things to the basics to help you understand the deeper rhetoric and meaning of movement making regardless of your level of experience working in social movements.

Become a Better Activist

This course will help you bring principle to practice on any issue that you want to see change in within your community or the global community.

Get started making a difference now instead of waiting for others to take the lead!

Build Allyship into your Project

As activism becomes such a global movement it is critical that we all learn and be mindful about being supportive allies to all communities!

Learn how to build allyship into your project as you define your goals!

Learn to Make an Impact

In this course you will gain all the background and basics you need to know to make a truly impactful project! Including the different types of activism and policy work basics!

Continue to value growth and learning so you can be the best activist possible!

Join our Beta Sale to Get a Headstart on Making a Difference

Joining now during our Beta version will get you started on your activism project sooner and get our special pricing.

SInce we are still in Beta, the course is about 70% complete and some materials are not published yet but by December 7th have full access..

By participating in our Beta session you will not only get our special pricing but a thank you gift following your feedback survey.

Not to mention, the pre-sale course is 60% off the original presale cost!

Join today!

Change won't wait! Enroll now!

30 day money back guarantee begins at date of enrollment

Pricing Plans

Meet Your Instructor

Hi Feminists!

My name is Makenzie Sheckells and I am the founder of the organization Feminist Freeway; an educational platform for equality, activism and human rights.

Through our courses, website and social media outlets we educate and inform every aspiring and growing feminist around the world on current, historical and global topics that impact all of us.

I have a B.A in Psychology and a strong background in research and women and gender studies topics. Join our community at FeministFreeway.com